Our lab is broadly interested in RNA recognition. How does the cell achieve specific RNA recognition? How is unwanted RNA recognition avoided? We use an integrated approach to tackle these fundamental questions central to RNA biology and human health.
Alana Lue Chee Lip started as a RA I on August 5, 2024. Welcome, Alana!
Sasha Sun started her summer internship on May 6, 2024. Welcome, Sasha!
Xiaobin Ling started as a postdoc in the lab on April 1, 2024. Welcome, Xiaobin!
An RNA-centric view of life
RNAs carry out essential functions in gene expression, which in turn, is essential for life. RNAs can be the information carrier, the catalytic engine, or key regulators of gene expression. As RNA biologists, we are fascinated by questions such as: how does the cell make RNAs? What are their functions? How do they carry out their functions? These questions often boil down to specific RNA–RNA or RNA–protein interactions, so how the cell achieves specific interactions between RNA and RNA, and RNA and protein, is a central question in RNA biology.
Our lab aims to address fundamental questions in RNA recognition at the molecular and cellular level. Current focus includes microRNA biogenesis and RNA sensing in innate immunity. We employ a variety of tools including molecular biology, biochemistry, functional genomics, imaging, and mass spectrometry, and are eager to develop new methods to tackle existing challenges.
1. Good and bad hairpins: How does the cell make microRNAs?
Design Principles of pri-miRNA
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are ~22 nt RNAs that play key roles in post-transcriptional gene regulation. They are first transcribed from the genome as hairpin-containing transcripts known as primary miRNAs (pri-miRNAs). These hairpin-like structures are then processed by the Microprocessor complex, consisting Drosha and DGCR8. How the Microprocessor discriminates bona fide miRNA hairpins in comparison to the numerous other hairpins transcribed from the genome has been a mystery. Our work and that of others have identified pri-miRNA features that are recognized by the Microprocessor complex and associated factors, providing a unifying model of miRNA biogenesis. Using this model, we achieved the first de novo design of miRNA genes.
Cluster-assisted pri-miRNA Processing
Our pri-miRNA model also revealed some natural, well-expressed miRNAs with apparent structural defects—how are they able to still enter the miRNA pathway? We showed that the processing of these suboptimal hairpins is made possible by their proximity to another, optimal miRNA hairpin, a phenomenon we call “cluster assistance”. We further discovered that Enhancer of Rudimentary Homolog (ERH), a protein not yet known to associate with the Microprocessor complex, was required for this assistance. Cluster assistance substantially increases the spectrum of miRNA hairpins that can be efficiently processed, and helps explain why miRNA preferentially reside in clusters. Moving forward, we are interested in addressing the following questions:
What is the molecular mechanism of cluster assistance?
What is the scope of cluster assistance?
What is the function of cluster assistance?
2. Self and non-self RNAs: How does the cell tell friends from foe?
RNA Sensing in Innate Immunity
Self/non-self RNA discrimination by the innate immune system protects the host against RNA viruses while ensuring proper cell function. Compared to the recognition of pri-miRNA substrates by Microprocessor, the distinction between self and non-self RNAs in the cell is much more complex. Endogenous RNAs may come in different forms with a variety of end chemistry, modification status, and associated protein repertoire. Meanwhile, exogenous RNAs that the cells need to recognize may share many of these features and only differ in a few. In addition, endogenous RNA metabolism is a delicate process. Accumulating evidence suggests that self RNAs can become immunogenic, for example, when they are mis-processed, mis-localized, or not properly bound to partner proteins. We are particularly interested in understanding how cells avoid unwanted self recognition. Specifically, we want to ask:
How do cells maintain RNA homeostasis to prevent hyperactive innate immune response?
Are there unknown RNA sensors?
Does RNA self-recognition contribute to autoimmune diseases and how?
We employ an integrated approach to address fundamental questions in RNA sensing in innate immunity, and by doing so we aim to bring new insights into autoimmunity, virus–host interactions, immuno-oncology, and RNA therapeutics.
Wenwen Fang, Ph.D
Assistant Professor, RNA Therapeutics Institute | UMass Chan Medical School
Email: wenwen.fang[at]umassmed.edu
Pronouns: she/her
Wenwen received her B.S. in Biology from Fudan University, and her Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from Princeton University. Her graduate work in Dr. Laura Landweber’s lab revealed a new function of Piwi-interacting RNAs in ciliate genome rearrangement. Fascinated by small RNAs, she then did her postdoctoral training in Dr. David Bartel’s lab at the Whitehead Institute working on microRNA biogenesis. Wenwen is a recipient of the Scaringe Young Scientist Award (RNA Society), Norton B. Gilula Award (American Society for Cell Biology), Damon Runyon Postdoctoral Fellowship, and the NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00).
Alana Lue Chee Lip
Research Associate I
Lab manager
Yujie Chen
Jundong Zhuang
Ann Latino
Administrative Assistant
Xiaobin Ling
Sam Ho
Lab Alumni
Sasha Sun (summer intern, 2024)
Deon Nguyen (Research Associate I, 2022–2024)
Anja Lera (intern from Worcester Technical High School, January–May 2024)
Sajid Muhammad (Postdoc, 2022–2024)
Koki Hayashi (Research Associate I, 2022–2024)
Kha Dam (rotation student, spring 2023)
Krishna Anand (rotation student, spring 2023)
Serena David (rotation student, fall 2022)
Jesse Lehman (rotation student, fall 2021)
Payam Khoshkenar (Research Associate II, 2021–2022)
Sophia Puertas (summer student, 2022)
We are always on the lookout for enthusiastic and talented people. Email Wenwen for more info.
We welcome people from diverse backgrounds and with different expertise to create a fun place to do cool science!
Exploration of Nuclear Proteomes in the Ciliate Oxytricha trifallax
Lu MW, Beh LY, Yerlici VT, Fang W, Kulej K, Garcia BA, Landweber LF
Microorganisms 11(2) (2023) PMID: 36838311
Degradation of host translational machinery drives tRNA acquisition in viruses
Yang JY, Fang W, Miranda-Sanchez F, Brown JM, Kauffman KM, Acevero CM, Bartel DP, Polz MF, Kelly L
Cell Systems 12:771–779 (2021) PMID 34143976
MicroRNA clustering assists processing of suboptimal microRNA hairpins through the action of the ERH protein
Fang W and Bartel DP
Molecular Cell 78: 289–302 (2020) PMID 32302541
The menu of features that define primary microRNAs and enable de novo design of microRNA genes
Fang W and Bartel DP
Molecular Cell 60: 131–145 (2015) PMID 26412306
Editorial: The Long, the Short, and the Unstructured: A Unifying Model of miRNA Biogenesis
Denzler R and Stoffel M, Molecular Cell 60: 4–6 (2015) PMID 26431024
RNA-mediated genome rearrangement: hypotheses and evidence
Fang W and Landweber LF
BioEssays 35: 84–87 (2013) PMID 23281134
Genomes on the edge: programmed genome instability in ciliates
Bracht JR, Fang W, Goldman AD, Dolzhenko E, Stein EM, Landweber LF
Cell 152: 406–416 (2013) PMID 23374338
Piwi-interacting RNAs protect DNA against loss during Oxytricha genome rearrangement
Fang W, Wang X, Bracht JR, Nowacki M, Landweber LF
Cell 151: 1243–1255 (2012) PMID 23217708
Editorial: Small RNAs of opposite sign… but same absolute value
Sontheimer E, Cell 151: 1157–1158 (2012) PMID 23217700
Detection of a common chimeric transcript between human chromosome 7 and 16
Fang W, Wei Y, Kang Y, Landweber LF
Biology Direct 7: 49 (2012) PMID 23273016
RNA-mediated epigenetic regulation of DNA copy number
Nowacki M, Haye J, Fang W, Vijayan V, Landweber LF
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107: 22140–22144 (2010) PMID 21078984

Join Us!
We aspire to build a supportive and stimulating lab environment. Motivated scientists at all stages are welcome to join the team! The RNA Therapeutics Institute and the greater UMass Medical School community foster a highly collaborative culture. Students and postdocs are encouraged to receive co-mentorship and bridge different research fields. Please send inquiries to Wenwen to learn about ongoing projects and opportunities.
Fang Lab
RNA Therapeutics Institute, UMass Medical School
AS4-1059 (Office), AS4-2013, 2014 (Lab)
368 Plantation Street
Worcester, MA 01605
Phone: (508) 856-1844 (office)